Important Message About Raising Alerts
An Alert is a notification from Navigate360 designed to raise awareness that a student is not meeting expectations in some way. Alerts can be raised by instructors for many academic reasons. Alerts should be raised after a faculty member has attempted to reach out to their student(s) AND are requesting additional support(s). If your communication attempt (for example: phone call, email, meeting with a student before or after class) is unsuccessful, then an Alert should be raised so that an additional outreach attempt can be made by the student’s assigned Advisor(s). When an Alert is raised, after an unsuccessful attempt of resolving the issue or concern by a faculty member, Advisors treat Alerts as an acknowledgment that additional outreach and/or support is needed. To learn more about Alerts in Navigate360, please read the Alerts and Case Management Workflow document.
Most Alerts in Navigate360 will automatically open a Case. To learn more about Cases, please read the Cases document.
Advisors will provide Case Outcomes or Case Closure Reasons and comments only after outreach to the student is attempted. This might include a phone call, email or text message explaining the issue, the potential impact, resources available, and solicitation to connect with their faculty member, or Academic Advisor(s).
When selecting an Outcome (Case Closure Reason) and leaving comments, it is recommended that you place a check mark next to the box: Allow closed comments to be shown in email. These comments are included in the Case Closed email that is sent to the faculty member who issued the Alert.
A Closed Case does not necessarily mean that a student was successfully contacted. For instance, there are times that despite our multiple attempts, a student will not respond to our outreach or intervention. In these instances, the Case will be closed with a comment indicating that the Case was unresolved.
- To learn more about Alerts and Cases in Navigate360, please read the Alerts and Case Management Workflow document.
- To learn how to raise an Ad Hoc Alert in Navigate 360, please read the How to Raise an Ad Hoc Alert document.
- To learn how to raise an Alert via a Progress Report in Navigate 360, please read the How to Complete a Progress Report document.